Saturday, September 16, 2006

General September news...

Hi all... I just realized this morning I hadn't sent out my email yet, so I apologize for being late!

The boys are growing up so fast!
Jacob is over 3 1/2 years old now, and is such an incredible little boy. He has so many interesting stories to tell and has such a vivid imagination. Lately (ever since going to the Kennedy Space Center), he's been really interested in astronauts and space. His favorite TV channel is NASA-TV! (hmmm... remind you of Daddy?) His little mind is just growing so fast... and he has a memory better than Mommy's (who doesn't!?!)
Joshua's just about 18 months old now... and is in the midst of teething. (oh joy!) But he's recently been learning more and more words. It's fun learning his language... which still has to be interpreted for everyone else! Joshua is Jacob's shadow and must have a duplicate toy for every activity. There's always a caravan of boys and their trucks running in circles around the house... just crazy around here!
But we're having lots of fun... they are such a joy!

Hope you're all doing well!!!!

Love, Em the boys...

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