Monday, January 15, 2007

January fun...

Hi everybody!

We've been enjoying some BEAUTIFUL weather this month! We LOVE El Nino in January... 80 degress in FLORIDA!

The boys are doing well... growing up so fast!

Jacob turned 4 on New Years Eve. He's really doing some amazing things. His memory is a hundred times better than Emily's, and he's starting to ask LOTS of questions...
~How does my body work?
~Do spiders have bones?
~Why do we have skin?
~Do elephants lay eggs?
~Where do Dinosaurs live?
Ahhh... the joys of inquisitive childhood!

Joshua will be 2 on March 24th! He's really growing up too fast. He has NO FEAR and will attempt to do whatever his big brother is doing. He's usually walking around with his arms filled with about 8 matchbox cars at once... and he gets VERY frustrated if just one falls out of his arms.

We had a birthday party for Jacob on January 13th with his friends from school. They went on a SAFARI around the spring. It was SO MUCH FUN!!!

CLICK HERE for some recent pictures... ENJOY!

Hope you're all doing wonderfully!

Love, The Halperns

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